Hunter: Josh Wootan
Number of Points: 8
Hunter: Joey Wootan
Number of Points: 12
Hunter: Nathan Pollok
Number of Points: 10
Hunter: Zach Heinsohb
Hunter: Wyatt Kirchner
Number of Points: 9
Hunter: Ashton Banduch
Hunter: Austin Killam
Hunter: Karisha Spencer
Hunter: Davis Guglielmo
Number of Points: 14
Hunter: Chase Schultz
Number of Points: 11
Hunter: Jonathan Wiatrek
Number of Points: 16
Hunter: Scott Pruski
Hunter: Jack Adams
Hunter: Tanner Muehe
Hunter: Landon Davis
Hunter: Bryant Dugi
Hunter: Clayton Hancock
Hunter: David Noble
Hunter: Trevor Moy
Hunter: Hunter Burkett
Hunter: Kayden Butler
Hunter: Terry Vetters
Hunter: Colton Payne
Number of Points: 7